Easy Ways To Resurrect The Appearance Of Your Rental Property

Real Estate Blog

Do you own a rental property? If so, keeping it looking attractive is an important art of keeping it occupied and earning you revenue. Perhaps you have gotten used to the mundane tasks associated with the property, and you may be overlooking a few things that could be done to "spruce" it up. Outsourcing the property clean-up tasks to a contractor is one way to ensure that you are not overlooking things that could be making your property appear undesirable.

15 July 2016

Busting 2 Myths On Owning Rental Property

Real Estate Blog

Owning rental property can be greatly rewarding, with the prospect of buying a home and then renting it out to raise income for paying part of the mortgage making it even more lucrative. However, there is usually more to simply sitting back, collecting rent and enjoying the income. Owning and managing rental property often requires time and energy. Read on to learn several prevalent myths that might misguide you about the whole endeavor so you can be better prepared when you do decide to get into the rental property business.

11 July 2016

Strengths You Should Possess If You Consider Running For Your Homeowners Association

Real Estate Blog

If you live in a condominium building or a neighborhood that has a homeowners association, you'll occasionally see posters announcing an upcoming election for positions on the association's board. The idea of running and joining the homeowners association leadership may be appealing to you, especially if you view yourself as having a leadership role within the community or if you have ideas that can help the local residents. Running for a position can take considerable time and effort, so it's a good idea to thoroughly take a look in the mirror and honestly assess whether you're the right person for the job.

28 June 2016

Don'T Ask Your Movers To Move These 3 Items


Hiring professional movers can make your next relocation a lot easier. However, if you're used to throwing your things into secondhand boxes and garbage bags and hauling them to you next apartment in your own or a friend's car, you're going to find that moving with professional help is a different kind of experience. And one of the things that you'll learn is that the movers can't or shouldn't necessarily handle everything that's in your current home.

15 June 2016

Top Benefits Of Selling Your House As Is

Real Estate Blog

Instead of worrying about fixing up your house so it is in the best possible condition before listing it for sale, you might want to consider selling it as is. To help you decide whether this is the right move for you to make, you are going to want to consider the following benefits. You Might Be Able To Find A Cash Buyer Selling a home that needs a little work done to it does generally mean that you will get a little less money for it.

9 June 2016

4 Ways To Utilize Facebook To Find Homes For Sale

Real Estate Blog

Like it or not, social media is here as a part of our daily lives. With 1.65 billion users, Facebook is the most popular social media website. According to a report by the National Association of Realtors, only 6 percent of home buyers use Facebook for real estate searches, so that leaves a lot of untapped potential to get the leads on properties. Most people who peruse Facebook for home listings just do so by following the pages of popular area realtors.

25 May 2016

5 Simple Traits Of The Best Starter Home

Real Estate Blog

Planning to buy your first home can be a daunting task. It's hard to know the important things to look for, especially in today's often tight market. To help you make the best decision you can, here's a handy guide to 5 aspects to look for in a "starter home." It's In Your Budget. Many people give advice to stretch yourself a little to buy your home -- usually based on the theory that you will earn more in future years and be able to adjust to the costs easier all the time.

16 May 2016