4 Ways To Utilize Facebook To Find Homes For Sale

Real Estate Blog

Like it or not, social media is here as a part of our daily lives. With 1.65 billion users, Facebook is the most popular social media website. According to a report by the National Association of Realtors, only 6 percent of home buyers use Facebook for real estate searches, so that leaves a lot of untapped potential to get the leads on properties. Most people who peruse Facebook for home listings just do so by following the pages of popular area realtors. Instead, dig deeper in your real estate search on Facebook.

Join Real Estate Groups

Join local Facebook real estate groups. Unlike "like" pages, sometimes groups need a moderator to approve your membership. Once you are approved as a member, you will be able to see listings and photographs of local real estate. In addition to local real estate groups, pages like the Real Estate Buyer's Agent Council offer helpful leads and advice for home buyers.

Participate in Local Area Pages

Follow local pages for the town where you live. Networking with people in the area may help you in your quest to find the right home. When you do see a listing for a home you'd like, send a private message to the poster. Reaching out and asking questions shows your interest, but it doesn't reveal too much

Make Your Own Post

Post about what you're seeking in a friends-only Facebook post. Explain what you want in a home, where you ideally want to move, and what you're hoping that others can provide. For example, if you want the lead on a good local realtor, state that. If you are just looking for personal recommendations or specific listings, explain that. It's a small world, and a friend may have a real estate suggestion that's helpful. If you decide to try your hand at making a post, be very specific about what you want to avoid getting unhelpful leads.

Do Smart Searches

Most people are aware that they can use the "search" option on Facebook to find people, but the site now enables you to search for pages and even trending topics. Try typing in the name of the town where you want to move with terms like "real estate," "homes for sale," and "properties" to get pages and listings for homes and realtors that can help you discover your future home. After your initial searches, try expanding your search to include other areas near your ideal town because you might find other promising listings.

Finally, use these tips to turn Facebook into a valuable tool for real estate research. It can empower you to find and explore relevant listings until you find potential homes that suit your needs. For more information, contact a real estate agency, like #1 Properties of Casper.


25 May 2016

A Successful Home Sale

Do you absolutely adore your home, but are planning an upcoming move due to a career change? If you’re moving in the near future, you might desperately desire to sell your current home as soon as possible. To help you accomplish this important task, consider hiring an experienced, real estate agent in your community. This individual can help you select the perfect selling price for your house. Your real estate agent can also provide valuable information about staging your home to perfection. For instance, to make your home more inviting, your real estate agent might suggest you purchase new bedding, window treatments, and artwork. On this blog, I hope you will discover how a real estate agent can help you sell your home fast. Enjoy!